Water Hammer Control Devices / Surge Control Devices
Our company offers a range of high-quality Water Hammer Control Devices, specifically designed to regulate water hammer pressure. Our devices operate based on the principles of water column separation and rejoinder, which effectively prevent the damaging effects of water hammer.
To ensure optimal performance of our Water Hammer Control Devices, we utilize advanced techniques such as the implementation of Valves in the pipeline:
These valves are carefully placed within the pipeline to achieve the following objectives:
Ensure the safety of the pipeline by withstanding high-pressure limits and vacuum conditions.
Regulate the oscillations of water columns to prevent water hammer from occurring.
Reduce the wear and tear of the pipeline and minimize erosion.
Maintain a consistent C value of the pipeline over a prolonged period.
Extend the lifespan of the pipeline, valves, and pumping machinery.
Prevent leakages from occurring within the pipeline.
Our Water Hammer Control Devices are manufactured to the highest standards, ensuring long-lasting durability and optimal performance. With our products, you can rest assured that your pipeline is well protected against the damaging effects of water hammer.